Pavel Durov’s Telegram has announced that it issued $270 million in bonds this week to fund its growth until it achieves profitability. The move is intended to provide the necessary funding to bring the company closer to the break-even point . With this bond issuance Telegram is aiming to guarantee its development and secure the resources needed for its expansion .
Bonds vs. Shares: The Reasoning Behind Telegram’s Choice
Telegram’s decision to issue bonds instead of shares is due to the significant rise in interest rates beginning from 2021 . By going for bonds the company can benefit from a different issue price and tap into the pool of interested investors. Bonds offer a promise of repayment of interest and serve as a loan contracted with investors who believe in the companys potential.
Telegram’s Strong Growth and Path to Profitability
The CEO Pavel Durov highlighted the remarkable growth of the messaging platform . Telegram has seen an impressive surge in its user base with 2.5 million new users joining daily and reaching 800 million active users per month this year. Durov also put emphasis on the fact that Telegram is “closer to profitability in absolute numbers” compared to its competitors Twitter and Snapchat .
To show his commitment even further to Telegram’s success Durov revealed that he personally purchased a quarter of the bonds issued. He underlined his long-standing dedication to keeping Telegram operational by investing hundreds of millions of dollars over the past decade . Durov also mentioned that well-known funds with excellent reputations that specialize in bonds have already invested in these bonds. However their identities remain undisclosed.
Navigating the Challenging Market Environment
Telegram has been exploring options for going public for some time including a token sale attempt that was blocked by the SEC. However given the current market conditions and the diminished valuations of social media firms like Meta and Snap the company has turned to private investors to finance its operations. The decision to issue bonds allows Telegram to secure funding while avoiding the uncertainties and potential devaluation associated with the public market.
In a landscape where the valuations of various social media companies have been affected Telegram’s bond issuance shows us a strategic move to ensure its growth and financial stability . By attracting investments through bonds Telegram remains committed to providing its users with a secure and widely-used messaging platform.