Pavel Durov, CEO of the popular social media and messaging app Telegram, has spoken out for the first time since his arrest by French authorities at Le Bourget Airport near Paris on August 24. On September 5, he shared his story on his Telegram channel, shedding light on the reasons behind his arrest and the charges brought against him.
Why did the authorities arrest Durov?
French authorities detained Durov on allegations related to Telegram’s moderation policies, accusing the platform of facilitating illegal activities such as drug trafficking and the dissemination of harmful content like child pornography. Durov revealed in his Telegram post that he was interrogated for four days and warned that he could be held accountable for the unlawful actions of Telegram users. The authorities justified his arrest by claiming that Telegram had failed to comply with their law enforcement requests.
Durov Response to the Accusations
Durov expressed astonishment at his arrest and the charges leveled against him in his Telegram post. He highlighted that French authorities had alternative means to contact him without resorting to detention, pointing out the presence of an official Telegram representative in the EU who handles law enforcement requests. Durov also mentioned his past cooperation with French authorities, including setting up a hotline to address terrorism threats in France, demonstrating his willingness to collaborate.
Criticism of CEO Accountability
Durov criticized the approach taken by French authorities in holding him responsible for the actions of individuals using the Telegram platform. He emphasized the complexity of balancing privacy and security, stressing the need to consider legal frameworks and technological constraints while maintaining a consistent global process.
Refusal to Compromise on Privacy
This is not the first time Telegram has faced pressure from governments to compromise user privacy. Durov reiterated his commitment to protecting the privacy of Telegram’s 950 million users, citing instances where the company has taken a stand against requests that threaten privacy, such as Russia’s demand for encryption keys and Iran’s attempt to censor channels of peaceful protesters.
The Bigger Picture: Free Speech
Despite the arrest, Durov reassured users that Telegram remains dedicated to upholding privacy while addressing security concerns and improving its response to illegal activities. Durov’s arrest has sparked a renewed debate on free speech and privacy, with prominent figures like Elon Musk and Edward Snowden voicing support for Durov and condemning his arrest as an assault on free speech. The implications of this case extend beyond Telegram, raising questions about platform owners’ liability for users’ actions and ensuring a balance between privacy and security in the tech industry.